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Thyroid Eye Disease

Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) - If you have Graves' disease it's usually recommended that you see an Ophthalmologist.  Even if you don't have symptoms it is a good idea to get a exam and baseline for future appointments, if needed. 


Wikipedia - Graves Ophthalmopathy
Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO) a/k/a Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)



University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center
There are two phases. The active phase, marked by inflammation, usually lasts from six months to two years. The focus during this stage is on medical treatment to relieve the eye symptoms. During the second phase, or the stable phase, inflammation and other symptoms have subsided. The patient may need surgery to correct the more visible effects of the disease.



FDA approves first treatment for thyroid eye disease

Tepezza was approved based on the results of two studies (Study 1 and 2) consisting of a total of 170 patients with active thyroid eye disease who were randomized to either receive Tepezza or a placebo. Of the patients who were administered Tepezza, 71% in Study 1 and 83% in Study 2 demonstrated a greater than 2 millimeter reduction in proptosis (eye protrusion) as compared to 20% and 10% of subjects who received placebo, respectively.



Treatment options for thyroid eye disease

Patients with thyroid eye disease (TED) experience hypertrophy of their extraocular muscles and an increase in intraorbital fat volume leading to eyelid retraction, proptosis, double vision, and optic nerve compression. These orbital changes are thought to be due to a cross-reaction of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) with antigens in the orbit. Therefore, the key to treatment is achievement of a euthyroid state in patients with abnormal thyroid function.



Selenium and the Course of Mild Graves Orbitopathy
Conclusions: Selenium administration significantly improved quality of life, reduced ocular involvement, and slowed progression of the disease in patients with mild Graves Orbitopathy (OB) also known as Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)



Severe Dry Eyes and Eye Plugs
If you have severe dry eyes you may want to talk with your Ophthalmologist about Eye Plugs. The eye plugs are very tiny and the doctor puts them in the corner of your eyes where the tear ducks are. The reason the eyes water so much is because the eyes are dry from under-active tear ducks. The plugs stimulate the tear ducks.



"My Approach to Evaluating Patients with Graves' Eye Disease" by Dr. Alon Kahana
The video is just over 28 minutes but it's well worth the time to watch.


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